Course curriculum

  • 1


    • UFC2.1IntroOverview

  • 2

    Module 1 - Current State of Terrorism

    • UFC2.1Module1CurrentStateOf Terrorism

    • The Monkey Business Illusion

  • 3

    Module 2 - Policy & Guidelines

    • UFC2.1Module2Policy&Guidelines

  • 4

    Module 3 - Security Engineering Series and UFC Series Standards

    • UFC2.1Module3SecurityEngineeringUFCSeriesStandards

  • 5

    Module 4 - Non-physical Elements that Enhance Physical Security Design

    • UFC2.1Module4Non-physicalElementsthatEnhancePhysicalSecurityDesign

  • 6

    Module 5 - Glossary & Terms

    • UFC2.1Module5GlossaryTerms

  • 7

    Module 6 - Blast Fundamentals

    • UFC2.1Module6BlastFundamentals

    • suicide Bomber Fails

    • Pressure Wave

    • newroof

    • exp4long

    • Divine Buffalo

    • blast wall 1

  • 8

    Module 7 - Standards

    • UFC2.1Module7Standards

  • 9

    Module 8 - Recommendations & Best Practices

    • UFC2.1Module8Recommendations andBestPractices

  • 10

    Module 9 - Wall Retrofits

    • UFC2.1Module9WallRetrofits

    • unreinf wall

    • exp4long

  • 11

    Module 10 - Glazing & Reducing Flying Debris Hazards

    • UFC2.1Module10Glazing&ReducingFlyingDebrisHazards

    • Glass Intro

    • cube4

    • furniture blast

    • Film15psi

    • A Day Made of Glass... Made possible by Corning. - YouTube

  • 12

    Module 11 - The Effective Use of Lighting

    • UFC2.1Module11EffectiveUseofLighting

  • 13

    Module 12 - Perimeters (Fencing & Sensors)

    • UFC2.1Module12Perimeters(Fencing&Sensors) (2)

  • 14

    Module 13 - Entry Control Facility Design

    • UFC2.1Module13EntryControlFacilityDesign


  • 15

    Module 14 - Vehicle Barrier Types & Selection

    • UFC2.1Module14VehicleBarrierTypes&Selections


    • Real_World_Impact

    • Passive Barriers AVI

    • Passive Barriers WMV

    • Dump Truck vs wall WMV

  • 16

    Module 15 - Establishing Electronic Security System Requirements

    • UFC2.1Module15EstablishingESSRequirements

  • 17

    Module 16 - Direct Fire & Stand-off Weapons

    • UFC2.1Module16DirectFireWeapons&Stand-offWeapons

  • 18

    Module 17 - Next Generation Use of Weapons of Mass Destruction

    • UFC2.1Module17Next GenerationUseofWeaponsofMassDestruction

  • 19

    Module 18 - Safe-havens & CBRN Protection

    • UFC2.1Module18Safe-havens&CBRNProtection

  • 20

    Module 19 - Mass Notification Systems

    • UFC2.1Module19MNS

  • 21

    Module 20 - Historical Preservation

    • UFC2.1Module20HistoricalPreservation

  • 22

    Module 21 - A New Way of Thinking about Security Design

    • UFC2.1Module21ANewWayofThinking

    • SpeedBump1

  • 23


    • UFC2.1Summary