Course curriculum

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    • SAE3 IntroOverview

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    Chapter 31 - Fundamentals of the Risk Management Process

    • SAE3Chap31FundamentalsoftheRiskManagementProcess

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    Chapter 32 - Risk Management of Short Duration Events

    • SAE3Chap32RiskManagementofShortDurationEvents

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    Chapter 33 - Defining the Design Basis Threat as a Process

    • SAE3Chap33DefiningtheDesignBasisThreatasaProcess

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    Chapter 34 - Determining Criticality

    • SAE3Chap34DeterminingCriticality

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    Chapter 35 - Good Guy Bad Guy Perspective in Identifying Threats

    • SAE3Chap35GoodGuyBadGuyPerspectivesinIdentifyingThreats

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    Chapter 36 - Conducting Site Surveys to Spot Vulnerabilities

    • SAE3Chap36ConductingSiteSurveystoSpotVulnerabilities

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    Chapter 37 - Translating Data into Good Report Writing

    • SAE3Chap37TranslatingDataintoGoodReportWriting

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    Chapter 38 - Other Methodologies to Consider

    • SAE3Chap38OtherMethodologies

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    Chapter 39 - Project Management

    • SAE3Chap39ProjectManagement