Course curriculum

  • 1

    Introduction Overview

    • SAE1IntroOverview

  • 2

    Chapter 1 - Philosophies Behind Physical Securty Design

    • SAE1Chap1PhilosophiesBehindPhysicalSecurityDesign

  • 3

    Chapter 2 - Design Basics Based on Threat Scenarios

    • SAE1Chap2DesignBasicsBasedonThreatScenarios

    • ProgessiveCollapseOklahoma City Simulation

    • Glass Intro

  • 4

    Chapter 3 - Creating Great External Spaces

    • SAE1Chap3CreatingGreatExternalSpaces

  • 5

    Chapter 4 - A New Way of Thinking About Security Design

    • SAE1Chap4ANewWayofThinkingAboutSecurityDesign

    • SpeedBump1

  • 6

    Chapter 5 - Misconceptions, Myths and Truths About Technology

    • SAE1Chap5MisconceptionMyths&TruthsaboutTechnology

  • 7

    Chapter 6 - Understanding the 10 Most Common Threats and Mitigations Startegies to Defeat Them

    • SAE1Chap6Understanding the10MostCommonMan-madeThreats&MitigationStrategiestoDefeatThem

  • 8

    Chapter 7 - Other Security Tools

    • SAE1Chap7OtherSecurtyTools1

  • 9

    Chapter 8 - Perimeters (Fencing and Sensors)

    • SAE1Chap8Perimeters(Fencing&Sensors)

  • 10

    Chapter 9 - Blast Fundamentals

    • SAE1Chap9BlastFundamentals

    • exp4long

    • newroof

    • Divine Buffalo

  • 11

    Chapter 10 - Site Planning and Exterior Features

    • SAE1Chap10SitePlanning&ExteriorFeatures

  • 12

    Chapter 11 - Architectrual, Structural and Mechanical Considerations

    • SAE1Chap11ArchitecturalStructuralMechanicalConsiderations

  • 13

    Chapter 12 - Historical Preservation

    • SAE1Chap12HistoricalPreservation

  • 14

    Chapter 13 - Effective Use of Lighting

    • SAE1Chap13EffectiveUseofLighting

  • 15

    Chapter 14 - Wall Retorfits

    • SAE1Chap14WallRetrofits

    • CMU Wall test 04

    • Pressure Wave

    • unreinf wall

  • 16

    Chapter 15 - Glazing and Flying Debris Hazards

    • SAE1Chap15Glazing&ReducingFlyingDebrisHazards

    • furniture blast

    • Glass Intro

    • UnlaminatedGlass

    • FRF Daylight

    • badburglars

    • A Day Made of Glass... Made possible by Corning. - YouTube